How To Avoid Fake Gems and Subtle Deceptions.

How To Avoid Fake Gems and Subtle Deceptions.

After Reading This, You Will Never Be Taken Advantage Of When Buying Jewelry.

We've all heard horror stories from friends who eagerly awaited their sparkling piece, only to be disappointed by the poorly made piece that lay inside. And let's not even get started on the disappointment when that dreamy ring you ordered looks completely different on your finger. Oh, the agony!

But perhaps the most treacherous territory when it comes to online jewelry shopping is gemstones. Sure, they may look stunning in those carefully enhanced product images. However, a lack of expertise in gemstones can lead to bad choices.

So there you are, thinking you've scored a rare alexandrite jewelry piece, only to find out later that it's a low-quality Alexandrite with a very weak color change, a cloudy, dead-looking stone, or even a lab-created Alexandrite.

We understand the apprehension that comes with buying expensive jewelry online without being able to see it in person.

Lack Of Expertise Can Lead To Making Wrong Choices That Are Later Regretted.

Over the last 17 years, we have developed a unique process to ensure this never happens to our clients. Our 100% positive eBay feedback can testify to that.

Here Is How We do it (short paragraph and link to article)

1. You Will Get Exactly What You See.

You Need To See Stone As It Is Seen By The Human Eye In Normal Daylight. Not in Artificial light or Enhanced by Photoshop.

Most sellers only provide generic images or, very often, not an actual piece but a 3D model which looks like a real picture. And what is even worse, they artificially enhance photographs, which is very unethical.

This is especially important when it comes to color change. It is dishonest not to show the actual color change because even a small difference in the degree of color change significantly impacts the price.
It is fraudulent to artificially increase the purple color in the picture of Alexandrite stone.

That is why we decided to ensure that the images show exactly what the stone looks like in person.

We often received appreciation from Alexandrite lovers, who wrote that we are the only seller in the world who makes great efforts to show the real color change in different lighting as shown in the videos. You can clearly see how the stone looks in daylight near the window, under the electric lamp, in candlelight, and on the hand or neck.

Our professional photographer, who specializes in realistic gemstone photography, works very hard to show the gem as it is seen by the human eye in different lightning. We guarantee that what you see in the picture is exactly what you will see when you receive it.

2. We Offer Only High-Quality Gemstones.

Each stone is handpicked by careful selection. We reject hundreds of gemstones with cracks, prominent inclusions, dull-looking cloudy stones without any luster, opaque stones, Alexandrites displaying only weak, almost invisible color changes, and badly cut stones.

3. Fully transparent and very detailed specifications.

Unlike many other sellers, we provide candid, detailed descriptions of our jewelry. We describe every small part, exact dimensions (even the exact height of the part of the ring above the finger in mm), and each gemstone in great detail.

4. Each Piece is Made by The Most Talented Artists.

We select the most talented designers who create exquisite designs, recognized and praised by Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and GQ.
We also hire only the best goldsmiths capable of painstaking attention to the smallest details. They carve intricate details by hand, something no machine can do. It requires a solid artistic taste to achieve the best aesthetics of the design.

5. Personal Guidance

Our unique, highly personalized approach to customer service can be described as white glove concierge service.

Our knowledgeable consultants will assist you in making the right choice. Whether you need clarification on gemstones, metals, or styles, we are here to guide you every step of the way. We want you to make an informed decision and be very happy with your purchase. No pressure, no obligation to buy anything.

Here are the examples of some valid concerns you may have and our solutions:

There is so much fraud in jewelry. Are The Gemstones Natural/Treated?
How To Avoid Fraud And Lack Of Disclosure?

You should always demand a certificate from a reputable gemological laboratory when buying gemstones. GIA is the topmost authority in gemology, and each of our jewels is tested by GIA.

You can see the original GIA certificate in our listings.
You can paste the number of a report into the GIA official website, and you will see the same certificate with the picture of the same jewelry piece.

I Don't Know How To Make A Right Choice. There Are Too Many Options.

We will ask you a few questions and then show you the most suitable designs and gemstones. If you don't like them, we will show you more until you are completely satisfied.

I Have No Expertise in Gemstones.

When it comes to purchasing gemstones and jewelry, having the guidance of an expert can make all the difference in making the right choice. Buyers often find themselves overwhelmed with the vast array of options available, and this is where an expert can step in to provide valuable assistance.

They will provide valuable insights into the 4Cs of gemstones you are interested in. Understanding the color, clarity, cut, and carat weight is essential in determining a gemstone's overall quality, beauty, and value.

For instance, Alexandrite's color-changing ability is one of its most sought-after features. A knowledgeable expert can help you understand how different Alexandrites are priced according to the degree of color change.

Their expertise will help you make a well-informed decision and ensure that you find a piece that truly reflects your style and preferences. With their guidance, you can confidently explore the world of gemstones and find the perfect piece that will be cherished for years.

I Am Afraid To Overpay. How Do I Know That the Piece is Not Overpriced?

The consultant can help you understand how gemstones are priced, what factors affect their value, and, most importantly, a transparent, detailed explanation of how the price is calculated. When you compare the quality and price of our pieces with other sellers, you will see that we offer the lowest price in the world without exaggeration.
Here is why.

With their in-depth knowledge and understanding of gemstones, they can explain the intricacies of pricing and help you determine the true value of a particular piece. From assessing the color-changing properties of Alexandrite to evaluating its clarity and cut, these experts will ensure that you get the best quality gemstone for your money.

To understand how Alexandrite is priced, click
Link: Explain why our prices are lowest for the highest quality
Lowest Price For Highest Value

How can I be sure that The Piece Is Really Well Made?

This is a valid concern, as mass-produced jewelry is often poorly made. Such jewelry is often cheap, but you risk losing the expensive gemstones if the prongs are improperly made.

Each piece we create is handmade by talented goldsmiths with painstaking attention to the smallest detail. We have triple quality control in our manufacturing. Unlike poorly made, mass-produced jewelry, we ensure that each exquisite design is handcrafted to perfection. We also offer a six-month warranty for all our pieces.

If you are hesitant, you can always buy a lower-priced item first. If you are satisfied with the quality, you can buy a more expensive item later.

What If I Will Not Like The Piece When I Receive It?

We understand that jewelry still needs to be seen and worn to truly appreciate its beauty and decide if it suits you.

That's why we offer a hassle-free 90-day return policy, allowing you to try on your alexandrite ring, necklace, or earrings and ensure that it looks just as stunning on your hand or neckline as you imagined.

You Have Virtually Zero Risk

With our personalized guidance, accurate product descriptions, high-resolution pictures and videos, and hassle-free return policy, we are confident you will be satisfied.

You will see that this process works if you read numerous testimonials from our satisfied clients on Trustpilot. From the quality of our jewelry to the exceptional customer service, these Trustpilot verified reviews speak for themselves.

Experience a 1-on-1 free consultation with our friendly consultants. You will get detailed answers to all your questions to make a fully informed choice of a gemstone and design.
We will help you to clarify what you wish your piece to look and feel like. No obligation to buy. Click here to schedule it.


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